Dividend Information 2025

Share price

Last updated 07/03/202517:35:22

Dividend Payment

EUR 0.59 per share (gross amount)

The Board has decided on February 27, 2025, under the suspensive condition of approval by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on May 14, 2025 to distribute the gross dividend and to continue offering shareholders the possibility of an optional scrip dividend. A press release detailing the optional scrip dividend modalities for this second and final dividend will be issued in May 2025, for a dividend payment in June 2025.


What is the United Kingdom withholding tax (“WHT”)?

The United Kingdom applies a withholding tax on Property Income Distributions (“PID”) paid by UK REITs to investors at a current rate of 20%.

Shurgard will provide the PID component per dividend distribution on its website.

Do I qualify for a lower WHT rate?

Investors may qualify for a withholding tax reduction or exemption paid on their PID dividends proceeds. However, all investors have different circumstances under United Kingdom domestic tax law or with regard to their own coverage under any Double Tax Treaty (“DTT”) between their country of tax residence and the United Kingdom and therefore should consult a qualified tax advisor to ensure that they are personally eligible for a reduced rate or for an exemption.

If lower WHT rate is applicable, what do I need to do?

In case you are eligible for a reduced rate, you can claim a refund from the tax administration after the payment of the dividend. Please consult with your own tax advisor for further details in this respect.

Alternatively, in the event that you assessed that you are eligible for gross payment of PID dividends, it will be necessary to liaise with Shurgard Self Storage Ltd for further information at the latest 21days before the payment date of the dividend (see contact details below). Please be aware that non-UK tax residents do not qualify for an upfront withholding tax relief. This option is only available for a small range of investors (please refer to our ‘Shareholder information’ page for some additional information). Beyond this date, no upfront relief can be processed.

Director of Investor Relations

Important note

Shurgard Self Storage Ltd does not provide tax advice. This summary has been prepared for information purposes only and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on, as tax advice. You should consult your own tax advisors.

See Alternative Performance Measures for definitions of terms used on our website