Committee Charters

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Last updated 25/03/202517:35:11

Audit Committee

The audit committee mainly performs the following activities:

  • inform the Board of Directors of the outcome of the statutory audit and explain how the statutory audit contributed to the integrity of financial reporting and what the role of the audit committee was in that process;
  • monitor the financial reporting drawing-up process and submit recommendations or proposals to ensure its integrity;
  • monitor the effectiveness of our internal quality control and risk management systems and, where applicable, its internal audit, regarding our financial reporting, without breaching its independence;

The audit committee currently consists of four members (April 2020).

Audit Committee Rules

ESG Committee

The ESG committee is mainly responsible for the following matters:

  • the review and approval of corporate goals and objectives relevant to Senior Management’s compensation, and evaluate performance in light of these goals;
  • submitting proposals to the Board on the remuneration of members of the Senior Management;
  • making recommendations to the Board on the company’s framework of remuneration for Senior Management and such other members of the executive management and assist the Board in drawing up the remuneration policy of the Company;
  • overseeing the Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategy of the Company and monitor the completion of  ESG objectives;
  • assisting the Board in reviewing and assessing the Company’s ESG risks.

The ESG committee currently consists of five members (April 2020)

ESG Committee Rules

Real Estate Investment Committee

The real estate investment committee is authorized by the Board to review and approve all acquisition or disposal of assets, properties or subsidiaries, where the gross transaction value of the transaction or the series of related transactions does not exceed EUR 50 million.

The real estate investment committee currently consists of six members (April 2020).

Real Estate Investment Committee Rules