Duncan Bell

Chief Operating Officer

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Last updated 23/01/202517:35:07

Duncan Bell has been Chief Operating Officer since 1 January 2023 and is a member of the Company’s Executive Committee.

He leads the field and commercial operations, including marketing and pricing activities, with a strong emphasis on enhancing the omnichannel experience and optimizing the customer journey.

He was previously Vice President of Operations (since 1 January 2014), where he played a pivotal role in driving operational excellence.

Duncan Bell joined Shurgard in April 2009 as the Market Manager for the UK. Throughout 2013 Duncan was also Market Manager for The Netherlands.

Duncan joined Shurgard from the travel industry where he worked for Travelbag as Sales Director and then Head of Travelbag from 2006-2008. Prior to that Duncan worked as General Manager for Trailfinders in Manchester, Glasgow and London from 1992-2006.

Duncan holds a BA (Hons) in Economic History from the University of Sheffield.