Our storage units range in size from 1 to 30 m² They are approx. 3 metre high. Our lockers are 1 metre high.
Community storage vs self storage
The main differences between peer-to-peer storage and self storage.
See comparisonOur storage units range in size from 1 to 30 m² They are approx. 3 metre high. Our lockers are 1 metre high.
Our storage units range in size from 1 to 30 m² They are approx. 3 metre high. Our lockers are 1 metre high.
If you need help deciding what size or type of unit would be best for you, you can:
As experts in storage and with knowledge of all our locations and prices, they’ll be able to:
Our different types of unit have different features, levels of accessibility and prices. Choose a unit type that suits you.
If you’re storing fabrics, files or equipment, you may want a unit that’s ventilated.
Some of our units come with the option of ventilation. All you have to do is upgrade to a ventilation option when you reserve your unit.
You may find you need more or less space than you originally thought. Perhaps your business is growing and you have extra stock to store. Or maybe you want to gradually move things into your new home and so would prefer a smaller unit.
You can change your unit at any time for free – either after you’ve reserved it or even after you’ve moved in.
Find out how to change your unit
Variety of unit sizes
We have a range of storage sizes – so if you don’t have many things, you won’t end up paying for space you’re not using.
Safe and secure
Our premises are secured with surveillance cameras, perimeter fencing, alarms, individual access codes. You can access your unit with your own lock and key.
Convenient access
Only you can access your storage unit. We offer free and extended access hours, 7 days a week, so you’re free to store or pick up things whenever you need to.
No long-term commitment
Our self storage contracts are completely flexible. You just have to inform us 15 days before moving out.