5 Key Jobs To Do In The Garden This May

5 Key Jobs To Do In The Garden This May

Another May Monday and another Bank Holiday! Hoping you enjoyed any celebrations this weekend – despite the temperamental weather. So what is on the agenda today for another Bank Holiday?  Sorting out the garden is likely to be high up on your list – hoping the warmer weather returns and we can start to enjoy the outdoors again.

If you are figuring out what to tackle in the garden, here are 5 key jobs to do in the garden this May. Transitioning from Spring to Summer.

1. Mow Your Lawn

You’ve likely noticed your lawn has grown like wildfire recently. The mix of rain and sun has been the perfect condition to encourage growth, so now is the time to tackle it.

If you want a neat looking lawn you’ll likely need to do it at least once a week.  If you are encouraging more flowers and bee friendly spaces then raise the height of the blades so plants like daises and clover can bloom and help pollinate.

2. May Plants

Good options to plant in May include Dahlias, Alliums and Gladioli

If you want to grow vegetables we recommend beans, sweetcorn, cauliflowers and purple sprouting broccoli. Also plant lettuce and other salad leaves so you have an abundant crop for your summer salads!

3. Prune and Tie

Now is a good time for a spring clean up. Prune your spring shrubs such as Forsythia and Chaenomels and tie in any new shoots from your climbing plants. Clip back evergreen hedges too.

It is also a good idea to add some liquid feed to your spring bulbs such as daffodils and tulips to encourage a good crop for next year.

You should also tackle the weeds! Dig perennials out at the root and use lawn and weed killer to stop anything causing an issue with the lawn.

 4. Protect your Crop

We would also suggest erecting some netting over soft fruits to stop birds from picking at it before they have chance to grow and flourish.

5. Tidy up Your Patio

Now is also the perfect time to prep the patio for the summer months. Time to tackle things like sweeping up the dirt, cleaning out the fallen leaves and jet washing the patio.

If your garden furniture is in storage – now is the time to get it out.  Uncover the pieces and give everything a brush down, although assuming everything has been wrapped and stored correctly it should all be in tip top condition for your next summer activity!

Here’s hoping the weather improves and we can have some outdoor fun!


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