9 popular NY resolutions

9 popular NY resolutions

1. Quit smoking

There are just so many reasons to quit smoking: it’s unhealthy, it stains your teeth, it’s expensive, it’s time consuming, it makes you smell bad… Whilst this is probably one of the most common resolution any day of the year, it’s not an easy one to achieve.

Don’t be put off by that though, if you can’t go cold-turkey on cigarettes, why not try e-cigarettes, nicotine chewing-gum, nicotine patches or even consult your doctor for medication that could help you quit.  It will be tough but if you can quit it will be one of the biggest achievements in your life!

2. Get fit

A great resolution after a period of drunken parties and large meals. Usually fitness clubs offer deals and promotions in January. However, and not surprisingly, research says that 60% of gym memberships go unused and attendance is usually back to normal after a couple of months.

If you fear you are one of those, here is our trick to keep you on track with your resolution and avoid wasting money: rent a small storage unit to free up  some space in your home and turn it into your own gym or yoga room. You can buy an indoor bike or a running machine at affordable prices. This way, you will have to pass by your equipment everyday, which will make it much harder to come up with arguments to skip that work out session!


3. Eat healthy

It  is totally normal to want to swap steak and kidney pie for fish and salads over the coming weeks (or months). It’s probably a good time to collect recipes with healthier ingredients to keep you inspired. Free up some space in your kitchen too so you can keep your recipe books at your fingertips. And don’t forget, it’s okay to allow yourself a little treat now and then to make sure that your resolutions will last.


4. Drink less

After nights of constant drinking and mornings of hangovers, this is probably a resolution that crosses the minds of many. Plus it’s undoubtedly good for your health, your wallet and your reputation. But wait! What about that invite to a birthday party next Saturday?! Will you be able to only allow yourself 3 beers and then switch to water?  Be realistic, and set yourself a drink limit – and stick to it!

5. Get organised

Brain Statistic Research Institute shows that getting organised was the second most popular resolution for 2015. Truth is, this can be one of the more difficult resolution to achieve. Don’t give up just yet though!

To make sure you’re off to a good start, create an agenda, plan when to do certain tasks and set a deadline. This will be a step up from having a long to-do list. Stop procrastinating, stay away from distractions such as social media and Youtube. Easier said than done, we know – but think how you good you will feel once you’re there!

6. Save money


The festive season most likely ended with a much thinner and lighter wallet, which is a good reason to make a resolution to slow down on the spending. It’s not going to be easy to stay away from all the sales both in stores and online.

Keep yourself busy with books, with physical activities and stay away from checking out all the offers in your inbox. You can also stay occupied by comparing your energy supplier with other competitors; reviewing your home insurance and credit cards with lower interest rates; take a packed lunch to work. Little things can have a great impact.

7. Spend quality time with the family

Nowadays, we are busier than ever. After celebrating Christmas with your loved, a much desired resolution it to try and spend more time with the children, see your  family more often. Great plans!

But as days and weeks go by, your workload starts mounting up, then there are football matches and music practice for the kids… it will be June before you know it! Keeping this resolution isn’t easy, but try and take a step back: simply block one weekend a month where you don’t plan anything and dedicate this free time to your children and family.

8. Travel more


A sunny or snowy escape will mostly certainly be on everyone’s minds now that Christmas is over and we are feeling the January blues. It’s the time we dream about those exotic destinations like Thailand, Bali, Caribbean…

If you booked your next holiday well in advance you will have something to look forward to and give you a lot of time for planning. Check out the airline sales that start at this time of year. Don’t forget also that there are so many corners of Europe to explore which are cheaper and only need 1 or 2 days off work to make a long weekend. A city break is a perfect antidote to the back-to-work gloominess.

9. Declutter your home

A New Year is the perfect time to start afresh. Hoarding belongings and piling them up around you will most certainly make you feel more stressed and lose focus in your day-to-day life.

Start sorting through your belongings and work out what you need. Take it room by room, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the task in hand. Remember, you don’t have to get rid of everything, a storage unit is the perfect solution to help you clean the house, whilst keeping your belongings conveniently accessible, 7 days a week.


See our 7 tips to start declutterring your home.

Finally, make realistic and measurable resolutions

We all make resolutions at the start of a new year. But let’s be honest, for most of us, our resolutions last for only a very short time. To increase your chances to succeed, find measurable and achievable goals rather than planning big projects.

For example, losing weight is very popular, but try to define how many kilos you want to lose before starting a diet. Time, frequency and length are good measures to see where you stand. Write your objectives down, or better still – post them online. It will make your goals more visible, meaning you are more motivated to stick to the plan. Plus family and friends will be there to support you too!

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